Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The cosy Fitzroy Hotel

Here is my last drawing done with ink and stick.

I wanted to share this one in particular with you because I started it in the class as it was one of our work.

I felt a lot of strong emotions while drawing it. This was the first time really I did such a drawing with ink and I enjoyed a lot the material as I felt it translates my movements on the surface the way I wanted it and if not it's like a discovery of new effects I can use. Seems like ink and I are becoming friends!

I found it hard though to play with the light and contrasts though I think the dark side of this drawing evokes the night atmosphere we experience in this class.

So I'm dedicating this first drawing on the blog to the great teachers we have in this class and to all the students as our sharing conversations about drawing is something becoming precious to me.

Thank you all!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 4, Tuesday 31st March

Today's Drawing Lesson will be held in THE OLD FITZROY HOTEL, 129 Dowling St, Wooloomooloo. If you look on a map, you'll find Dowling st is blocked if you try to go down it off William st. So go down McElhone or Forbes. Its a well-kept secret, a cosy pub in a fascinating area of the city- a real mix in demographic, a history of social demonstation and community, and a bit of grit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

night drawing thinking about the day

So lets get this show rolling - support the troops in afghanistan, give hope to the economy by puttin up u work on this blog.. (0h its Gianni)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Welcome friends of drawing to this Drawing in the City at Night blog.

We have created this blog so that YOU can ask questions, make comments, share opinions, find out where we are meeting each week, talk about exhibitions or artists you might like, inform us about interesting events… and keep the creative wave alive all through the week.

We encourage you to take pics of your drawings and load them into the blog. This way we can start building up a gallery from drawings in the city at night.

The Nymphs will keep an eye on it regularly to provide any assistance required.